Int’l Day of Prayer for Peace Worship Service

17 09 2009

While the Brethren Advocacy Days have been postponed, we are still planning to hold a short worship service, as part of the International Day of Prayer for Peace.

Please join us…

Sunday, September 21, 2009 at 4:00pm at the National Council of Churches offices,
110 Maryland Ave. NE, Suite 108, Washington, DC 20002
(call 202-481-6943 to be let in to the building)

We hope to see you there!

CoB Actions for Creation

17 09 2009

Friends, this may be the most effective way to get the largest number of voices of Brethren to Capitol Hill.  Lets take brethren witnessBrethren Advocacy Days Viral!  The goal is to see how many Church of the Brethren folks to take action. So click here to send an email to folks you know and help spread the word.  And, here is what you can do!

Personal Action – Congress and the President

The senate was supposed to take up climate and energy legislation this fall, but now they are saying they won’t address climate change this year if they even do it at all. Click here to send an email to your Senator telling them a delay in passing climate legislation is unacceptable – that it is time to be good stewards of God’s Creation.

Also, this December, the international community will be deciding how to address climate change in the coming years from a global perspective. We are asking President Obama to attend the upcoming negotiations in Copenhagen and engage in an effective and helpful manner. We are encouraging people to sign a message to President Obama encouraging him to attend. Click here to read and sign the postcard online.

Get Your Church Involved!

Take steps to green your church building, and save on energy costs at the same time.  Our actions must match our words! Click here to join the Carbon Reduction Campaign of the National Council of Churches, and see how much carbon you can take out of the air!

Hold a postcard drive at your church, and see how many signatures onto postcards encouraging President Obama to attend the Copenhagen talks in December you can get.  Click here to request postcards.

Pray for the Peace of All Creation

CoB logoSeptember 21st is the International Day of Prayer for Peace, and it is our hope and prayer that all of Creation will experience God’s peace.  Click here for prayers and liturgical resources to include in your day, or service, a prayer for Creation.

Let’s see how many people in the Church of the Brethren we can get to take action to cool our climate, and bring healing to all of God’s Creation!

Housing Options

17 08 2009

Friends, the links below will lead you to some economical options for housing for Brethren Advocacy Days in September. Also, if you are coming from a drivable distance, and would be willing to host people, please email me (we will waive the registration fee).   Do the same if you would like to be hosted, and I will make those connections.  And in general, don’t hesitate to be in touch with questions!

We will keep adding to this page, so be sure to check back!


4 08 2009

Hopefully, by the end of this week I will have a link to post to allow you to register for our days of action on climate change, but for now I can let you know what the schedule of events you have to look forward to is:

Sunday, September 20

3:00 Registration

4:00 Welcoming & Faith Background

5:00 Legislative Background

6:00 Dinner Break

7:30 Advocacy Training

9:00 Worship

Monday, September 21

9:00 NCC offices open

9:30 Gathering, Visit briefing

10:00 Hill Visits

3:30 Closing Time

As you begin to make travel arrangements, hopefully that is helpful.  More information will be forthcoming, very soon!

Ending Mountaintop Removal

31 07 2009

Friends – especially those in the Greater DC area – on Monday, there will be a candlelight vigil in Lafayette Park, in front of the White House, to call for an end to Mountaintop Removal Mining.  For more on MTR mining, click here.  Below is more information on the vigil – anyone in the area is more than welcome, and most certainly encouraged, to attend.

MTR Rally sign

Getting Ready, Building Knoweldge

22 07 2009

Friends, we have a unique opportunity as we head into the August recess period for Congress, to really get ready to encourage members of the Senate to pass climate legislation.  See the message below from Tyler Edgar, the Associate Director of Climate and Energy for the NCC Eco-Justice Program about a national call in.  You can be in touch with me if you plan to call in.  Thanks!

Hi all –

As many of you know the House of Representatives recently passed comprehensive climate and energy legislation.

This is the first of 4 key steps to addressing climate change here in the US, responding to the urgent need to prevent the worst impacts of climate change.

The next step in the process is to get the Senate to pass a bill as well.

We know there are thousands of folks out there working to address this issue in their congregations and communities and would like to invite you to join us for an update on the bill the House passed and prepare for the bill that is being developed in the Senate.

We will host this call on July 30th from 12-1pm EST.

Below is the call in information.

Denominational staff from  various NCC member communions will join this conversation to answer questions and outline their specific priorities!

Please let me know if you plan to join so I can ensure that we have enough lines for everyone to use!

Look forward to having you join us.



What: National Climate Call for State and Grassroots leaders

When: July 30th from 12-1pm EST

Phone number: 8669398416

Passcode:  7420302

p.s. please feel free to send this to others who may be interested in joining the call!

Don’t Wait Until September

8 07 2009

Yes, I know – the Brethren Advocacy Days aren’t until September – but we can start building momentum now!  There is plenty going on in DC, and around the world,  as our government wrestles with what the future of our climate and energy policy is going to be.

A little over a week ago, the House of Representatives passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act. While an important first step, as the Senate gets to work crafting what their companion legislation is going to look like, there is much strengthening that can be done. Also, President Obama is currently meeting with the G-8, where a large part of their agenda will include preparing for the Copenhagen meetings, where the global climate policy will be crafted.

The Eco-Justice Program of the National Council of Churches (which, in the interest of full disclosure, is who I work for) as some opportunities for you to weigh in on both these fronts. Click here to sign a pledge of personal action and also of encouragement for President Obama to attend Copenhagen in person. And, click here to send a message to your elected representatives, calling for strong climate and energy legislation – and encourage the rest of your congregation to do the same.

We will take action together in September. But don’t let that stop you from making your voice heard now!

4th of July Reflections

4 07 2009

brethren witnessOn this 4th of July, it strikes me as ironic that the Washington Post featured a blurb on the importance of the faith voice in the climate discussion.  In addition to this story, making sure churches, places of worship, and other non-profits get an equal shake in working to build a more sustainable world, I am reminded of a story we at the National Council of Churches always tell regarding the Liebermann/Warner climate bill in 2008.  We had done extensive work to include international adaptation language in the bill, but when we saw a draft shortly before it was to go to the floor, the language was missing. We put in a phone call to (now retired) Sen. Warner, who called us, and some leaders of the Episcopal Church (the SenatEDF_Haiti_posteror’s communion) into his office. He got out the bill, a pen, and asked to be told what needed to be added.

That is the story I always tell when people ask whether the faith voice makes a difference. And, it is vital that the CoB voice remain in this conversation. It is part of our justice work, as well as a part of our other witness. Whether it be standing with our brothers and sisters in Nigeria, who are directly feeling the impacts in terms of drought and crop reduction, or in with our new workcamp effort in Haiti, to clean up from multiple and extreme hurricanes – the impacts of climate change are felt across our global witness.

So, keep your eyes here for more information as we make this advocacy event happen. Be in touch with thoughts and suggestions. And help us spread the word!

Come to DC – Sept. 20th-21st!

24 06 2009


Hello world!

20 06 2009

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